Furnishing your home office for remote work.

Furnishing your home office for remote work.

With the dawn of COVID-19 in 2019, most businesses shifted from working in the office to working in the comfort of their homes. Many of us can agree that working from home is the dream, but how do you make your home office or workspace comfortable enough to increase your productivity? We might just have some guidelines for you!

First things first. Let’s choose your workspace.

The first and most important step to creating a perfect remote working space is to choose your workspace wisely. Your chosen workspace needs to be serene and spacious enough to accommodate your chosen style of office furniture. Just to throw around some ideas, velvet products look better in areas with perfect lighting. So, if velvet happens to be your favorite material, your ideal room is the one that hogs most of the sunlight – we all have that one room.

Once you have chosen the most suitable workspace, taking measurements of your chosen workspace is a great way to know what size and style of furniture you can or cannot purchase.

Pick furniture pieces that speak to you.

Picking out office furniture is just like picking out home furniture. What is your office design inspiration? Which product designs speak to your soul the most? Which fabrics, colors, and furniture designs spark your interested? This kind of thought process will lead you to your ideal office aesthetic, an office that showcases your style and personality.

Always remember that your chosen office furniture should come with comfort as much as style. Working an 8 hour shift daily in discomfort is not something you want partake in, and that’s why it is highly important to do research on the specifications of your chosen furniture. Paying attention to terms such ‘ergonomic’, ‘tilt adjustment’, and ‘lumbar support’ is highly important because these are all important aspects to great and comfortable office furniture.

Designing your workspace doesn’t mean you should stick to basic chair and desk office furniture, you can add more – more personality as we said. Remember to keep the space workspace, leave some room for your business ideas to flow! If you’re working with a larger office space, adding a couch or a single seater recliner couch will make your office space look more inviting to any of your clients or potential business partners.

Lastly, stay away from furniture trends.

Following a fashion trend might make you look trendy, but it is a highly costly vice to feed. It is important to stick to the classic furniture designs that are easy to maintain because trends to cringey at the speed of light.

Now go on and make your workspace your own!

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